Hello Dearies!
I hope that all of my wonderful lovelies are doing well. And, on that note, I just wanted to let you all know that things in the hollow are settling down a bit and becoming much more hollow-like again;-), which is quite a relief. Phew...!
I still haven't made anything marvelous or decadent yet, but I did make these beluga lentils the other day. The little container full of these black beauties was in my cabinet since my mother's last visit. She often drives down to visit with a carload of dry, organic goodies from The Dekalb Farmer's Market in Atlanta. Have you been there, Dearies? It's an amazing place-one writer with The NY Times wrote an article about the market, where he claimed there is nothing quite like it in the U.S.
Anyway, point is that I realized I neglect so many of the dried beans and legumes that my Mom lovingly gifts us, so I decided to go ahead and stew some. I didn't expect more than a healthful, wholesome meal. However, I ended up with a protein and spice mixture so scrumptious that I smacked my own rear and screamed 'Yee Haw!!!'.
I'm just kidding. I didn't do that. I'm not even a country music fan. The lentil meal was quite nice though, Dearies (smile).
Here's the recipe:
1 Cup Beluga Lentils (Rinsed)
3 3/4-4 Cups Water
1 Tsp. Red Wine Vinegar
1 Vegetable Bouillon
1 Bay Leaf
1 Tsp. Cumin
3/4 Tsp. Paprika
1/8 Tsp. Onion Powder
1/8 Tsp. Garlic Powder
Black Pepper and Hot Sauce to taste*
Place water, lentils, bay leaf, and bouillon in a saute pan and bring to a boil. Stir. Allow to boil hard for about 45 seconds to a minute. Turn the heat down to where it will keep the lentils at a low simmer and place a lid on the pan at an angle, so that steam can escape. Allow to simmer on low heat, stirring intermittently, for about 20-25 minutes. Once the lentils start to look plump and done, add the vinegar, dry spices, pepper, and hot sauce. Mix and remove from the heat.
*Hot sauce really adds something special to mix-it with the cumin is just wonderful!
Salt to taste and enjoy with rice, mashed potatoes, or with just some slaw as pictured.
Yum Yum!
p.s. These are called 'Mexican', as Cauldron Boy says they taste like really good Mexican food?!