Hello Dearies!
I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving Day! We had a day of work & hard labor here in the hollow but also rest, relaxation, and good eating later on in the day. One item that really stood out and that I always look forward to at this time of year was my old fashioned sweet potato pie. It is an absolutely decadent dessert that is gone within a short time of the moment it is sliced. If you have never enjoyed a piece of sweet potato pie or have only tried store bought, I really hope you will make this pie before the holiday season has ended. The recipe is so easy and turns out a lovely, healthful treat that you won't soon forget...
Oh, and it puts most store bought pies to shame!

Here is the recipe:
Old Fashioned Sweet Potato Pie
2 Large Sweet Potatoes/1 1/2 Cups of Mashed Sweet Potato
3/4 Cup Turbinado Sugar*
3/4 Tsp. Cinnamon
1/4 Tsp. Ground Ginger
1/8 Tsp. Clove or Cardamom
Pinch of Salt
2 Large Organic Eggs
1 Cup Organic Reduced Fat Milk
1 Tsp. Real Vanilla Extract
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Wash your sweet potatoes and prick them with a fork in a few places, so they don't implode/explode in the oven. Place a piece of foil in the oven and put the potatoes on top. Bake for 45 minutes or until completely soft and well cooked. Remove from oven and bring the temperature down to 350 degrees.
Once cooled, measure out 1 1/2 Cups of sweet potato and place it in a mixing bowl. Mash it very well with a fork-you want it to be pretty smooth.
Place the sugar, spices and salt in the bowl and mix. Then add the eggs, milk, and vanilla. Use a whisk to mix the batter until it is homogeneous. Pour into a homemade uncooked crust (use a crust protector if you like-I didn't and mine did not burn). Bake for 50-55 minutes. Allow to cool on a baking rack for at least three hours.
To my vegan lovelies, I will be making a vegan sweet potato pie this week. If it is as wonderful as this one, I will post it!
p.s. Due to my technology issues and the holiday, I am a bit behind on visiting my blog buddies. I will catch up to all of you and your artistic creations this weekend...:-)